KB acticles used to troubleshoot Desktop issues

Articles (20)

Access a Virtual Desktop (VDI) or Published Application using a browser

Instructions for using VDI through your browser.

Applying Manual Patching Updates

How to apply manual updates using Windows Update.

How to Create a Service Request for Computer Support

A how-to on creating a Service Request for computer support.

HP Network Printer Setup - Scan to Email Configuration

Scan to Email setup for HP Network Printers.

HSC Alert registration (Currently Omnilert)

HSC Alerts is the emergency notification system used at UT Health San Antonio

Map a Network Drive - Windows

For VDI customers or anyone who gets a new desktop; these instructions will help you map a drive.

New computer first time log on

How to log on to new, institutional computer that is not connected to the HSC network.
Documentation on username and unique password is provided in the computer box.

The use of a single local administrator account and password on all HSC computers has been discontinued.

Office KMS Activation

Steps to activate Office 2010, 2013 and 2016 for Windows


Download and Install Smartview

Virtual Desktop Service Cost and Features

Cost and feature comparison for Virtual Desktops

Windows KMS Activation

Steps to activate Windows against the KMS

VDI - Install Horizon Client on Windows for access to virtual desktops

To get the most from your virtual desktop, install the VDI Horizon Client on your workstation. You can also access your virtual desktop using https://mydesktop.uthscsa.edu when you are remote or otherwise unable to use the client software.