Knowledge Base

Categories (7)

IT Services

KB articles related to all IT Services

Web / Digital Platform Mgmt. & Content Maintenance

KB Articles related to maintaining your institutional WordPress or Drupal website, social media platforms, and the content on your digital presences.

Human Resources

KB articles related to various HR topics including UT Health Learns

Prior Approval

KB Articles related to the Prior Approval process

SON SimLab

KB articles related to the SON SimLab

Articles (12) Installation


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Firefox Web browser Internal website error issue

After updating the Firefox browser to the newer version user are having issues navigating to internal uthscsa websites. It is prompting them to connect to VPN to view the page while the user is on campus connected directly to the network and or successfully connected to Global Protect. Turning off the DNS over HTTPS has resolved this issue. If you are getting the connect to VPN on other browsers as well there may be other issues.

How do I get my W2/ Set up an Electronic W2

These instructions will allow you to retrieve and print your W-2 through the Health Science Center portal, rather than waiting for it to be delivered by the US mail. As well as some common questions about the electronic form of your W-2.

Microsoft Exchange Reconfiguration Guide on Mac OS

Steps to remove Exchange accounts on MAC OS X systems and iOS. A kb article already exists for iOS phone setup.

SecureDoc Manually Remove Disk Encryption by Win Magic

SecureDoc Manually Remove Disk Encryption by Win Magic