In January, when the W-2s are ready for delivery, Payroll will send you an email that your W-2 is ready for pickup. To retrieve your W-2, follow the steps below to get to Employee Self Service. If you have not set up electronic access to your W-2 then see the section marked How can I set up my W-2 Electronically before following the steps below.
Table of contents:
How do I get my W-2?
How can I set up my W-2 Electronically?
Quick Facts regarding your W-2
How do I get my W-2?
- Go to: My UT Health intranet.
- Click on the Paycheck icon on under the Quick Links section.

- Now log into the PeopleSoft portal using your UTHSCSA domain username and password (same ones you use to login to the UTHSCSA network from a computer work station)

4. Click on View W-2/W-2c Forms.

Your W-2 will be ready for you to print. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO VIEW THE DOCUMENT, TURN OFF POP-UP BLOCKERS OR TRY A DIFFERENT BROWSER. You may use the copy that you retrieve and print for filing your annual income tax return. If you should lose your form after printing it, no problem. You don’t have to request one from us, and you don’t have to wait on the US mail service.
Note: While you are logged in to the Employee Self-Service section of the HSC Portal, please take a moment to update your Personal Information as well: Here you can update information such as your name, address, emergency contacts, alternate phone numbers and e-mail addresses for use by HSCSA business offices.
How can I set up my W-2 Electronically?
These instructions will allow you to retrieve and print your W-2 through the Health Science Center portal, rather than waiting for it to be delivered by the US mail. But before you can get the form electronically, you have to give us your consent to receive it electronically. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY CONSENTED TO RECEIVE YOUR W-2 ELECTRONICALLY, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PROVIDE YOUR CONSENT AGAIN. If you have not previously done so, granting consent is simple. Follow the steps below:
- Go to: My UT Health intranet.
- Click on the Paycheck on under the Quick Links section.

- Now log into the PeopleSoft portal using your UTHSCSA domain username and password (same ones you use to login to the UTHSCSA network from a computer work station)

4. Under Payroll and Compensation, choose W-2/W-2c Consent

7. The page below will appear. Your name will show on the page. To consent, check the box at the bottom and click on the Submit button.

- The next page requires you to confirm with your password. Once you have entered your password, click Continue.

- If you entered your password correctly, you will get the following screen, indicating that your submission was successful. You can then log out of Employee Self Service.

Quick Facts Regarding Electronic Form W-2s
1. What happens if I do not give consent to receive an electronic W-2?
A. You will continue to receive your form W-2 via US mail.
2. Is there an expiration date to my electronic W-2 consent?
A. Your electronic W-2 consent does not expire. Unless you withdraw your consent, and as long as you are employed by the Health Science Center, you will continue to receive your W-2 electronically.
3. How do I get a paper copy of my W-2 form after I give my consent to receive the electronic version?
A. Unless you stop working for the Health Science Center, you can always log back onto the HSC portal and retrieve another electronic copy of your previously issued W-2s. If you stop working for the HSCSA, or need a paper W-2 for some other reason, simply contact the HSC Payroll Office to request one (email or call 210-562-6315).
4. Does requesting a paper copy cancel my consent?
A. No, simply requesting a paper W-2 will not cancel your consent to receive future W-2s electronically.
5. How do I withdraw my consent to receive electronic W-2s?
A. To withdraw your consent to receive future W-2s electronically, log in to the HSCSA portal and follow the same links to the W-2/W-2c Consent form. Check the box to withdraw consent and click on the Submit button.