Adding UTHSCSA email account to Outlook for Mac

Your UTHSCSA employee or student email account can be added to Outlook for Mac using your UTHSCSA credentials.


User needs their email account added to Outlook


1). Open Outlook and click on the tools button located at the top of the screen

2). Select the Accounts... button 

3). Select the Exchange or Office 365 option

4). Enter your UTHSCSA email address, username, and password. After you have entered the correct information, click Add Account. *(Your username is not case sensitive)

  • If you are a student you will use                                                    (Ex:

5). To verify if your account was added successfully, look in the window to the left.  A green circle next to the account indicates that it is connected UTHSCSA domain.

6). You can now close out of the accounts tab that is open and verify if your inbox has been added to outlook. If you see your inbox and sub folders in the window to the left, the UTHSCSA account was added successfully. You do not have to restart the machine.

 ** Note ** Depending on the size of your inbox, it may take a moment for all of the emails to populate.


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