Add an unlinked subheading to subnav to categorize or group your subnav links

Tags drupal

Sometimes you will want to group your links inside a subnav under an unlinked subheading.

The subheading will appear inititially as a regular link with a downward caret to the right.

example of a subnav, with a subheading bolded with downward caret to the right

Once the user clicks on the subheading, it will expand to reveal its child links.

example of a subnav with the subheading expanded to reveal two child links beneath it

This subheading will need to be added in the Menu admin ui. In the top toolbar, hover over Structure, move down to Menus, move over to Main Navigation, and click on Add a link.

Enter the text to appear as the link title. Enter the link to the first child item in the Link field (do NOT enter <nolink>). Check Show as expanded. Select the Parent Link.

Menu link title: Divisions, Link: Predoctoral Division, Enabled: checked, Show as expanded: checked, Parent link: Department of Comprehensive Dentistry

After you have saved the subheader menu item, then you may add the child menu items normally (by adding the pages to the menu system). Make sure to select your new subheader link as the Parent link for these child pages.

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Article ID: 92190
Mon 5/8/23 11:31 AM
Tue 5/9/23 2:22 PM