ISORA - Removing Duplicate Hosts


  • How to find and remove duplicate hosts in ISORA


  • UTHealthSA use of ISORA in inventory control and security 


Follow the following steps to remove duplicate hosts form the inventory list:

1) Select inventory in the top menu bar

2) Add the DeptID in the search window

3) Double Click the DeptID 

  • Select the button to download the CSV file to find the duplicates 


  • View\Open the downloaded CSV, Names Column should already be sorted 


1) Find the duplicate entries by name.

2) There are two Classifications (ii) In Inventory, (ri) remove inventory 

3) You will know the one to remove because there is no Owner


  • Back in ISORA, you will see a duplicate with No Owner


  • Remove the Duplicate with no owner


1) Select the Check Box of the Duplicate Host

2) Select the Drop Down Box to apply settings to the host

3) Select to Delete the host


  • Duplicate Host from the years before that were not removed

Keywords:  ISORA, Duplicate, Remove, Delete, Hosts


  • This document will walk you through the steps to find and remove duplicate host entries in the inventory for the departments


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