Getting Started with Formstack

Formstack is UT Health San Antonio’s new secure webforms tool. Formstack has been reviewed and approved by UT Health Information Security for collection and storage of sensitive data.

You and your patients can be confident that data submitted through a Formstack form will be managed and secured in a compliant manner according to HIPAA, FERPA and other relevant privacy regulations. 

If you need to build a webform that will collect sensitive data (PHI, PII, etc.), please complete a request for this service, and Web & Digital Services will work with you to create that form and embed it on the appropriate webpage(s). 

If you will be responsible for retrieving and handling data collected on a Formstack form:

  1. You should receive an email from Formstack notifying you that an account has been created for you.  
  2. For most forms, when new data have been received through the form, you will receive an email that will look like this: 
    Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated
  3. Click the hyperlink with the form name, and you will be prompted to log in. You will use your standard UT Health (UTHSCSA domain) username and password, as follows: 


    Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated 
  4. After you log in, you will be taken directly to the new information/record that was submitted. 
  5. If you click on the X in the top right corner of the form showing the new data, you’ll be able to see all submissions to that form, including previous submissions. 

    This works exactly like an email inbox. Unread messages are in white, and read messages are a darker grey color. 

    This does work like a shared inbox so if there are multiple people working in the same box, it is recommended that you mark the ones you have completed by clicking the star icon so everyone knows that one has been completed. 

To learn more about what you can do with the data submitted through a Formstack form – including exporting data and reports – see the Submissions category in Formstack Help

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Article ID: 92056
Thu 2/10/22 8:31 AM
Thu 2/10/22 8:32 AM