3.3 Recommended word list

3.3 Recommended word list 

Wording choice should show a bias toward active verbs and phasing that is not clinical, but approachable. Starting a sentence with “There is” or “It is” isn’t active. The phrases “make sure to”, “get ready to” and other introductory verb clauses can almost always be removed from a sentence without changing the meaning. Err on the side of concise. 
When writing for a specific section of the website, blog or department, avail yourself of keywords or other SEO research that has been performed to that you can use some specific, powerful terms to guide your writing. 
This is not a definitive list, but these terms also work well with our mission message: 
health care (two words) 
academics (instead of “education” so that it’s not confused with patient education) 
heal/healing (instead of “curing”) 
discovery (when referring to research) 