Logon to http://imstickets.uthscsa.edu
Put in an SR for a Network Domain Account and include the following information:
- Vendor’s Full Name
- Vendor’s Birth Date (needed to set initial password)
- Vendor’s normal email address (needed for Duo enrollment)
- Request Accounts Management add account to DUO_VENDORS group in AD (this can be noted in the Additional Information Field of the SR)
- Sponsor’s full name and email (FYI - Sponsor is named Approver in the IMS Ticketing system)
FYI - If there is an Employee ID field that must be filled in. Use 000000.
What happens next?
Accounts Management will send a set of forms to the Sponsor’s Email account (noted in the SR).
The Sponsor should fill out the forms and send them back to Accounts Management.
Accounts Management will send the Sponsor an email with the Username, initial unique password, and a link to information about changing the initial password.
The Sponsor should forward this email to the vendor. If you are not sponsoring the account, contact the sponsor and remind them to forward the email.
What the vendor needs to know:
The vendor needs to reset their password from the one given in the email with the account name. They will not be able to logon until the reset their password.
Forward the vendor this link for information they need to reset their password:
If the vendor also needs to access a server using RDP or SSH:
The Network Management Group (NMG) will create a VPN Tunnel to ensure the vendor doesn’t have access to other servers.
Use the Additional Information field in the SR to request the SR be forwarded to NMG so they can create the VPN Tunnel.
Include the IP addresses of the servers the vendor needs to access.
NMG will need IP information from the vendor so a phone number of the vendor will be helpful.
The vendor does not need to use the TransporterRoom servers because the VPN addresses are given an exception in the ACL for the RDP port.
What should the vendor expect?
• The vendor should receive an email, forwarded by the Sponsor, with their UTHSCSA username, their unique initial password, and a link to information about changing their initial password. Note - They cannot logon to VPN or anything within the HSC network prior to changing their initial password.
• The vendor will receive an email from Duo Security with a link to enroll their phone and a link to information about