New Cancer Quest Stories

The New Cancer Quest blog can automatically import stories from into
You can also bypass posting these on newsroom, and post directly to cancer center. See below.

Tagging on

  • On tag the post with the campaign: New Cancer Quest

Campaigns: New Cancer Quest



Importing New Stories

The Cancer Center website will import new stories automatically overnight. If you wish for the import to occur immediately, you can run the importer on the Cancer Center site.

To import the stories, on click on the Shortcuts link in top bar, and then click on Import Cancer Quest.

import cancer quest


Then click on the Execute button.

import stories

Clear Cache

To clear the server cache, navigate to the home page and/or new cancer quest landing page.

Click on the Clear! button under Refresh this page.

refresh this page




Post Directly on Cancer Center (Bypass News Room)

Create a new story.


  • Title
  • Excerpt
  • Story Category
  • Story Heading
  • Story Date
  • Story Hero Image
  • Story Campaign: New Cancer Quest (241)

On the right side, expand Imported Data.

Enter News Room Link: 
URL: (example - direct link to video)
Link Text: Watch now
Imported Data

On the right side, expand Meta Tags

Scroll down and enter Refresh url (example): 
0; url=



Print Article


Article ID: 92147
Wed 10/19/22 10:29 AM
Wed 1/18/23 2:51 PM