*Note: Authorize.net must be set up by user profile
Step 1: Use the search icon on the Windows taskbar and type Default Apps and set the default browser to Google Chrome

Step 2: Once chrome is launched go to vpos2.authorize.net you will be prompted to install a chrome plug in (see below) Click Install

Step 3. A new window will open ( see below) Click Add to chrome. Click Add extension on the confirmation prompt and you'll receive a message it has been added.

Step 4: Close the second tab that opened and go back to first tab, you'll see a new prompt click download (see below)

Step 5: This will download the installer, run the installer by clicking on it on the bottom left of screen.

Step 6: This will bring up the installer wizard, no choices or changes in settings should be done. Click Next accept terms and install. You'll select YES to the notification if you'd like to allow app to make changes and then finish.

Step 7: On the webpage click Done.
Authorize.net is now installed and working.