This feature was formerly used as a WordPress faculty profile. With the new development of a web profile management system, this feature is only to be used as a directory tool for departments to display their team members. In future updates, these directory will be managed by and imported daily.
Design Options of Faculty Directories
By design, all directories will have the following;
- Team member listings on the left
- Directory filter options on the right
- All team members will be separated by the horizontal rule lines
- A maximum of 15 team members per page (With pagination for additional team members)
- When logged in, (Edit this team member) links will appear below the featured image to enable quick editing of individual team member content
Sidebar Filtering Options (Taxonomies)
By default all directories can have a search bar, a submit button and a reset button. All other options can be requested by the department and are assigned through Taxonomies.
Below is a screen shot of how taxonomy values can be assigned to a team member. These filter options will always be displayed on the right hand side of the editing screen. Each box is considered a custom taxonomy and would need to be requested by the department as these are not enabled by default. In the example below, 3 taxonomies were requested by the department; Education Programs, Types, and Divisions. Other common requests include; Research Categories and Service Specialties. While the taxonomy needs to be created by Web Initiatives, all the terms in the taxonomy can be added by the department content edits by click the + Add New Education Program link on the bottom of the taxonomy box.
Directory Sorting Options
- All team members will be sorted by the Last Name (For custom sorting) Field and not by the team member title.
- If a chairman needs to be added to the top of the directory, you can change their Last name (For custom sorting) fields to read AAA.
- The Last Name (For custom sorting) field is not displayed anywhere on the front end.
Individual Team Member Listing Display
The directory view has some customization options available but the default/guidelines for all sites will be as follows.
- Images should be cropped to: 428px 600px and can be set through the Featured Image field.
- If no feature image is set, the default UT Health "Photo not available" will be used.
- The featured image will display in the left hand column and the optional fields will be displayed on the right
- The team member Title will display first and can have credentials set in it.
- This Title field will be hyper linked to a profile if the
- The Position fields will display below the Name/Title in bold.
- Lastly, Phone number and Email fields will display below the position if filled out.
Back-end Field / Design Mapping
The following fields are crucial to the design of the directory. The fields may vary in label slightly from site to site.
1. Title/Credentials
2. Last Name (For custom sorting)
3. UT Health Profile URL
4. Position
4B. Position Secondary
5. Email
6. Phone Number
7. Featured Image
- UT Health Profile URL should be used to link to a profile on research gate, UT Health Academic/Provider Directory or
- There is a limit of 2 positions per profile.
Backend view
Front end view
How to Add a New Team Member
On the top black admin bar, use the New -> Team Member feature.
Fill in the following fields shown in the field mapping part of this guide and click Publish.
In some cases, you may to tag the faculty members with the Team Member Type taxonomy or Faculty Type taxonomy so they display on the appropriate page.
How to Delete a Team Member
When viewing the directory, click (Edit this team member)
Then move the team member to the trash (Move to Trash) link