

This page must be using the “Home V2 (Newsroom)” page template. Also, the page must be set to published. All posts on the page are loaded by feeds and no content should be manually added to the page directly.


Primary Featured Article

For the post featured in the red box above, please select the term Primary Featured Article checkbox in the Homepage Placements term group.

This section pulls the latest post tagged more stories and uses the featured image field to display an image. 


Featured News

For the Featured News section, please select one of the four terms checkbox in the Homepage Placements term group.  (Show above in purple box)

  • Featured Community

  • Featured Education

  • Feature Patient Care

  • Feature Research

This section pulls the latest story of the respective category onto the homepage and requires the use of the featured image field to display an image.

Featured Images: Sizes auto crop to 450x350PX unless the images are below that size.

In the News

For the in the news section, please select the term In the News in the Homepage Placements term group. (Show above in grey)

This section pulls the latest 3 posts tagged more stories and does not use a featured image.  



Category Archives



Health, Education, Research, Community, Campus 


These 5 pages are category feeds that load all posts that are tagged with their respective term. Featured images are optional but recommended. These terms can be found when editing a post through the Categories term group seen below. 




Frontend View 


This page loads all topic feeds that are in found in newsroom. To view all available topics, use the link below.  



Adding a Topic 


To add a topic, edit a post and locate the tags in the right-hand sidebar. Then select Choose from the most used tags. This will show you a tag cloud of all available terms that you can select from. 



Deleting Topics 


To delete a topic, navigate to this link below.  



Hover over the name of the topic you want to delete and select delete.  



Main navigation 

  • Health 

  • Education 

  • Research 

  • Community 

  • Campus 


Other categories 

  • News 

  • The default categories for stories published without any tags. This should be removed from a post if it is automatically added at creation.  

  • This is for posts that were featured in media news outlets outside of newsroom. 

  • This is a post that is custom written towards external news sources. The target audience is different than all other news on the site (focuses on employees and general community). Posts in the news release category typically have 2 versions, one written for the general public and another written for news sources.  

  • Presidents Vision 

  • News posts related to messages from the president.  

  • Social 

  • Not sure what this is used for.   



This is a large pool of topics that people might be interested in.

Please email if new term groups are needed. Page Break 

Single Post Design

Below is an example of a single post. It features the following fields 



Back End View of the content displayed 



Post title 



Post details (Shown in red box in above picture) 


  • Share by: This is the post author. That is set in WordPress 

  • Published date: Can be changed in the backend publishing options  


To see the author field, you may need to change your Screen Options 


Featured Image (Shown in blue box in above picture) 


This is the featured image field in the backend.  


Bottom of post 


In the screenshot above, we have 3 key elements 

  • Share this Article!: (Social media sharing options that are the same on every post. Using the AddtoAny plugin) 

  • Article Categories: This shows all terms in the Categories term group that this post is tagged with. It will not show terms in other term groups such as Homepage placement. 


Related Posts  

This shows the latest 4 posts that have the same primary category as the post currently displayed. The title will say…… Read more about CATEGORY NAME . In this example the category name is Health. To change the primary category, edit the post and select Make Primary for the desired term in the categories term group. This will change the posts loading and the category name shown in the feed title.  


News is the default category for all posts and should not be used.  


Feed Integrations

Academic Schools 

All posts on this site can be pushed into other sites if tagging is used to filter posts. In order to filter these posts, use the following term groups 





Academic Schools 


  • Long School of Medicine 

  • Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences 

  • School of Dentistry 

  • School of Health Professions 

  • School of Nursing 


Using these filters will push these news posts into other sites if the school marketing representative has opted into the feed.  


The following schools have opted in and have a new fed into the news feature found at the bottom of the page below. 



School of Medicine is in the process of getting the modern design with integration options. 


Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences has a feed from as their source of news. (GSBS Contact: Charlotte Anthony) 


School of Health Professions does not seem to be getting any news from newrooms. (SHP Contact: Carlos Castillo) 



My UT Health 



My UT Health Terms 


To push a post to My UT Health, use the term My UT Health in the categories term group.  


To make this post sticky as a featured story in SharePoint use the Featured term in the categories term group.  





Future Updates 


In a feature release, we would like to separate categories from the My UT Health terms. The My UT Health term group seen to the right should be ignored for now. This is currently for testing purposes when the SharePoint team has time.