Student Directory (Content Type)

Tags drupal

This directory is intended for graduate students to showcase their research and educational background. It is currently enabled only on the GSBS website. Please contact WebTeam to enable this on your website.

Example directory url:

Visual Design Examples

Directory (Landing Page)


Profile View


Creating a new student profile

1. Login to

2. In the grey admin bar, click on the Add Content button

3. Click the Student link


5. Fill in the content fields.

6. Click Save

Field Mapping References

The fields will be mapped to the front end as follows.(Numbers below correlate to the field mapping screenshots.)

  • Title (1): Enter the student first and last name.
  • Website section (2): select your school section (example: Biomedical Sciences)
  • Last name (3)
  • First name (4)
  • Student Photo (5) - Click on Choose File to upload an image from your computer. Select the file. Click on Upload.
    • Enter alt text to describe the image to screen readers. (Example: Student name | Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences | UT Health San Antonio )
    • Image should be 343 px wide. Please save as progressive jpg, optimized for web.
    • Files must be less than 300 KB.
    • If you need assistance with images, you can contact WebTeam or Creative Media Services.
  • Select Student type (6), enter Research summary (7), select Programs (8) and Disciplines (9) (if applicable)
  • Active tab (10): leave as is if there will be Publications content. If you have Awards or Education content but no Publications content, please select another item to be the active tab (tab that is displayed upon page load.)
  • Publications (11)
  • Awards (12)
  • Education (13)
  • Publishing options: If you are ready for approval, you can select Needs Review under Moderation State. This will send the content for review to your marketing liason.





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Article ID: 91760
Thu 1/23/20 9:07 AM
Thu 1/23/20 11:38 AM