Change header information (Site Identity)

Tags WordPress

1. Login to your WordPress site.

2. Visit the homepage of the site and on the black admin toolbar, Click "Customize"

3. Click "Site Identity"



3. Configure as follows

  •  Site Title: This is the title that will show on the tab of your browser
  • Tagline: This is the text that can show next to your site logo. It is optional and nothing will show if left blank.
  • Part of (UT Health) Replacement Label: This is the text of the top label. By default, it is set to UT Health San Antonio. This can be changed but not disabled. This feature is intended to point up a level in department structure. In other words, if this is a division site, it should be pointing to the parent deparment. The text will not update unless a link is set.
  • Part of (UT Health) Replacement URL: This is the URL that the link text above will be directed to.
  • Giving donation Link: Entering a URL will automatically generate the Giving button under the search bar. This text cannot be changed and the URL must point to an approve donation page through
  • Contact Number: This is intended to only contain a phone number.
  • Contact Us Page: Just enter the contact us page URL.


4. When complete, click the blue "Publish" button to save changes.

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