Updating Homepage Notices (Version 1)

Homepage Notice

The alert banner for homepages is available for posting temporary, relevant messages that have potential to affect operations at the university. Messages of this nature should be succinct and to the point. If the message needs more explanation, the space is set up to accept hyperlinks, so you can briefly explain the issue and then link out to more information as necessary. Please note that this space is intended for messages that are critical and temporary often affecting operations at the university; it’s not a space intended to use for marketing messages.

Example: Holiday closure notice on the homepage of the website
Note: This alert will appear whenever anyone visits the homepage. It can be closed by clicking on the x in the upper right corner. These are currently setup on the following sites:

How to Add or Edit the Notice
Use the appropriate link above to edit.
After you make your text edits and save, click on the Refresh this page button on the homepage to make the changes live immediately.

How to Remove the Notice
Use the appropriate link above to edit.
Remove the text from the Heading and Body fields and Save.
Click on the Refresh this page button on the homepage to make the change live immediately. Ensure the Text Format dropdown for the body field is set to Plain Text.

Note: You can also see this in the content index, just filter to Alert Block Under Workbench Access. (These are nodes functioning as blocks. They are under Workbench Access control, but not under the Workbench Moderation workflow. So edits to these do not need to be approved.)

Physicians Site Editors, UT Dentistry Site Editors and Cancer Center Site Editors have access to edit their own notice. They each have a Homepage Notice link in the shortcuts toolbar.

HSC Alerts

HSC Alerts should appear automatically on the homepage and the UT Health Police home page. There is javascript which pulls in the alert immediately as long as it appears in a feed provided to us by E2Campus. There are 2 separate feeds or channels since some alerts may only be appropriate to display on the Police home page. The HSC Alert administrator must post the alert to the proper channel for it to appear on the homepage. You can check the feeds from E2Campus to see if there is any content available for the homepage.

If all you see is document write when you click on a link above, then the feed is empty and no alert message should be displayed on the homepage.

There should be no need to clear the Drupal cache or clear the Acquia Varnish cache for these to appear. However, it may be necessary to refresh your browser.

HSCAlerts appear in a red box at the top of the page. They cannot be collapsed. They will automatically disappear after a predetermined time set by the HSCAlert administrator (usually 24 hours.) Multiple alerts can appear at the same time.

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