Enable a News and Events Feed

Tags WordPress

You can easily enable a news & events feed with the following design options

  • News & Events (White Background)
  • News Only (Tan Background)
  • News & Events (Colorized Background)
  • News Only (Colorized Background)
  • News Only (Tan)
  • Events Only (Colorized)
  • Events Only (Tan)

For each option, we have 2 designs options as seen below

Design Options

1. News & Events (White Background)


2. News & Events (Tan)


3. News & Events (Colorized)


4. News Only (Colorized Theme)

5. News Only (Tan)

6. Events Only (Colorized Theme)


7. Events Only (Tan)


How to Enable

1. Ensure you are logged into your WordPress website (Example: https://wp.uthscsa.edu/wp-login.php)

2. Once you are logged in, you will be sent to the Dashboard of your WordPress website as shown below.


3. Next, navigate to the pages tab

4. After clicking on the Pages tab, hover over the page you would like to add the feed to and select "Edit Page"

Edit page for news and events

5. Once you've the backend editor loads, verify your page is using either the "Default Template" or the "1. Homepage Banner: Full Width Image". Both templates have the features for news and event feeds but they have different designs for the page banner.

8. After selecting the template option, click on the Blue Button labeled Update to apply your changes to the WordPress Page.


9. Once you've clicked the Update button, let the page reload and scroll down to Page banner Customization Box. In this box, it will have an Advanced Options section to toggle the features you may want.

10. Lastly, select the design you prefer and click "Update" to save the page. The options you can select can be seen below as examples.

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Article ID: 41949
Thu 11/2/17 4:19 PM
Thu 6/18/20 1:08 PM