A WordPress Site Administrator needs to set up a custom version of the UT Health Logo on their WordPress website.
1. Ensure you are logged into your WordPress website “(e.g. or
2. Once you are logged in, you will be sent to the Dashboard of your WordPress website as shown below.

3. On the Top Bar, you're going to see the name of your website with a Home Icon next to it. Hover over that portion until you see the dropdown menu arrive, and click on Visit Site.

4. After clicking on that link, you should be sent to the home page of your WordPress website as shown in the image below. From here, we're going to click on the link that says Customize on the top of our webpage.

5. Upon clicking on Customize, you will be brought to a page that contains various options on the left-hand side of your webpage. These options allow you to customize features of your website that will carry over onto all pages of the WordPress website.
6. Click on Logo Uploader as shown in the image below.

7. From here, you will be brought to a menu that will allow you to select a custom logo. This can either be an image that has already been uploaded onto the WordPress gallery, or you may also upload one from your computer.
- Please make sure that the image you upload is at least 280px wide.
NOTE: Please make sure you're using the official University Logos from the UTHSCSA Branding website.

8. Upon selecting the image you would like to set as your custom logo, please click on the Choose Image button at the bottom left portion of the screen.

9. Once you are done following these steps, click on the Save & Publish button, and you should be done!