IGA - Login instructions


How to log into the Identity Governance (IGA) server


If you receive an email from the IGA system indicating you have a task, there will be a link in the message that you can click that will take you to the server.  

Note: You must either be on-campus or using VPN to access this server.

If you receive a certificate error, please click the option to continue through.  This will vary by browser.

This will take you to the login page:


Log in with your IGA account.  This is a separate account from your regular network account and will be provided to you.  If you have lost or forgotten your password, please contact Brian Purcell at purcell@uthscsa.edu.

If you clicked the link in an email message to log in, it will take you directly to the task you need to perform.  If not, you will be taken to a landing page that looks something like this (exact page will depend on your role):


You have successfully logged into the IGA server.



Article ID: 92101
Fri 5/6/22 9:00 AM
Wed 6/1/22 12:18 PM