Updating Homepage Notices (Version 2)


Updating the Notice

If the notice is not enabled, please submit a service request to have the feature enabled.

  1. On a page that the notice is visible, hover over the top right of the message and click the cog to select New Draft
  2. Update the content on the edit page
  3. Next, Digital Experience will need to approve the moderated block content and publish the changes
  4. Lastly, view the pages that have the notice and click the Refresh this Page button to clear cache of that page.

Approving Moderated Content

A shortcut to approving the moderated content can be done as follows

  1. Hover over the cog of the alert banner
  2. Click Edit Draft
  3. Click the Moderate pill button on the top right
  4. Change the drop down for the latest draft to Publish and click Apply

To review changes, use the Compare Revisions feature seen in this screen shot.

Differences between version 1 and version 2

  1. Version 1 shows on all pages while version 2 can be placed on specific pages throughout the site.
  2. Version 1 cannot be dismissed during an entire session. Version 2 can be dismissed and will not show up again during the users session as they go page to page
  3. Version 1 must be edited directly through the link in the documentation. Version 2 is a moderated block that can be updated from any page it is displayed on.

Need Help?

Please submit a service request if assistance is needed or if the feature needs to be enabled or disabled from pages.



Article ID: 91984
Wed 2/17/21 10:40 AM