4.4 Bullets and lists


Examples and pointers for creating lists.


4.4 Bullets and lists

Bullets work well in online formats because they allow bits of information to be packaged and delivered in a concise way. Use a numbered list when the information is a set of directions that must go in order by steps. Use a numbered list for a Top 10 list or a group of items packaged based on a certain number of items. Otherwise, use bullets. 
A space should be placed between the intro text for a set of bullets and the bullets themselves. Use a colon after the intro text.  
The first word after a bullet or number in a number list must always be capitalized. Exceptions should be made for brand names that employ a lower-case letter by design: iPhone. Only use a period if the bulleted item is a complete sentence. Do not use a semicolon at the end of each item. 

  • We use lists frequently. 
  • We use them to make copy easy to read. 
  • We use them in academic, research and patient care pages. 



Article ID: 91897
Thu 8/20/20 5:07 PM