Creating / Updating a draft for review


Find the page you would like to edit and click new draft



Once you make the content changes, scroll to the bottom and click the Save button



Next you will see the draft version of your edits. If you are satisfied with the content updates, you can make use of the drop down to set the page status to Needs Review and click the Apply button. Once the draft is set to needs review, the digital experience team will review your content changes and will need to approve before publishing.



The URL for your draft will be different than the URL of the live page (shown in the red box). To continue editing the draft you created, you can use the breadcrumbs to go back to the LIVE URL of the page. If the changes are pending review from the Digital Experience team, you will see an Edit Draft button. Use this button to revise your draft.




Article ID: 86472
Mon 9/9/19 11:32 AM
Mon 9/9/19 1:47 PM