Initial login: UTHSCSA account (Password Reset)


New UTHSCSA accounts have a default password that must be reset before accessing any resources


All new members of the University of Texas Health Science Center are provided with a temporary password that must be changed before they will be able to use their UTHSCSA account.

This applies to Employees, Faculty, Staff, Students, Affiliates and Guest


Where to get your Username and Temporary Password:

Students - Check your personal Email

Employees, Faculty, and Staff - Temporary password provided by Hiring Manager.

Affiliates and Guests - Temporary password provided by UTHSCSA department contact

Setting a new password

  1. Visit our password reset site
  2. Sign in with your Username and temporary Password
    Password Reset Site Login Page

  3. Once you login you will be asked to create 3 security questions.
    Password Reset Site: Create Security Questions

  4. Next you must create a secret phrase
    Password Reset Site: Create Secret Phrase

  5. Finally you can update your password. (See the password requirements below)

Password Requirements

  • Minimum length of fifteen (15) characters.
  • Contain at least one: 
    • Upper case character (A-Z)
    • Lower case character (a-z)
    • Numerical character (0-9) 
    • Special character (!@#$%^&*()_+|~-=\`{}[]:";'<>?,./)
  • Cannot contain common words/names
  • Cannot be a commonly used password
  • Password history is 12 months, the same password cannot be used for 12 months

Additional Information: