Multi-Link Panels (UT Health Block Type)


Multi Link Panel Guidelines

  • Can only contain links in a bulleted list
  • Panels should not be larger then 1/3 of the page width
  • Can have a max of 6 panels on a page

Example of proper usage below.


How to Add a New Multi Link Panel

1. View the page you want to add the panel to.

2. In the top black admin bar, click Edit with WP Bakery

3. Once the blue WP bakery admin bar is loaded, hover over the column that you are adding the panel to.

4. Click the "+" icon as seen below to append to the column

5. When the Add Element panel appears, Click on UT Health Design

6. Next, select Clickable Link Panel

7. Fill out the fields as follows

  • Color of panel: Use the dropdown to select a color
  • Icon: Click the down arrow to see all icons available
  • Panel Title
  • Links or copy: To create the list of links, first click the Bulleted List shown below in the red circle. Then add the text for the links and link them 1 by 1.

Lastly, select save changes.

Once completed, the panel will be displayed as follows.



Article ID: 80769
Thu 6/13/19 1:55 PM
Thu 6/4/20 2:36 PM